2 # onak configuration file. Taken from pksd.conf as a starting point.
6 db_dir @STATEDIR@/lib/onak
7 logfile @STATEDIR@/log/onak.log
8 # Loglevel : 0 is highest debug, default is 3, nothing is 7+
11 ### Set www_port to the port on which HTTP requests should be accepted.
12 ### If you do not want to process HTTP requests, set this to 0.
15 socket_name /community/pgp-keyserver/pksd_socket
17 ### Specify the envelope sender address as the -f argument to
18 ### sendmail. This is the address which will receive any bounces.
19 ### If you don't use sendmail, then change this to an equivalent command.
20 ### If you do not want to process mail requests, leave this unset.
22 mail_delivery_client /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi -fmailer-daemon
24 ### Set this to the address which should be displayed as the From:
25 ### address in all outgoing email, and as the maintainer in the body
28 maintainer_email PGP Key Server Administrator <pgp-keyserver-admin@the.earth.li>
29 mail_intro_file /community/pgp-keyserver/share/mail_intro
30 help_dir /community/pgp-keyserver/share
31 mail_dir /community/pgp-keyserver/incoming
33 ### If you change this, make sure to put a corresponding help file in
34 ### the help_dir named above
38 ### This is the email address of this site. It will be inserted in all
39 ### outgoing incremental messages, so it should match whatever the
40 ### downstream sites use as syncsite in their pksd.conf files.
42 this_site pgp-public-keys@the.earth.li
44 ### Include a syncsite line for each site with which you are exchanging
45 ### incremental requests.
47 #syncsite pgp-public-keys@keys.nl.pgp.net
48 #syncsite pgp-public-keys@blackhole.pca.dfn.de
49 #syncsite pgp-public-keys@pgp.es.net
50 #syncsite pgp-public-keys@keyserver.linux.it
51 #syncsite pgp-public-keys@pgp.dtype.org
52 #syncsite pgp-public-keys@kjsl.com
54 ### Set this to 0 to disable mailserver LAST requests completely, to a
55 ### positive integer to limit LAST requests to that many days, or -1
56 ### to allow any argument to LAST.
60 ### Set this to the maximum number of keys to return in the reply to
61 ### an index, verbose index, get, or since reply. Setting it to -1
62 ### will allow any size reply.