+function generate_resized_images() {
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "Generating $2"
+ currentimage=0
+ imagestoupdate=$($FINDCOMMAND . $FINDIMAGESOPTIONS | $XARGSCOMMAND -0 -I {} $ECHOCOMMAND {} | while read filename; do filename=${filename//\"/\\\"}; if [ ! -r "$2/$filename" ] || [ "$filename" -nt "$2/$filename" ] || [ $($IDENTIFYCOMMAND -format "%w" "$2/$filename") -ne $1 ]; then $ECHOCOMMAND $filename; fi; done | $WCCOMMAND)
+ if [ $totalimages -eq 0 ]; then
+ # might as well exit at this point - there are no pictures
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "No images for the gallery - exiting."
+ exit 64
+ else
+ # check if the directory exists and create it other wise
+ if [ ! -d $2 ]; then
+ mkdir $2
+ fi
+ if [ ! -w $2 ]; then
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "Can't write to $2 directory, exiting"
+ exit 16
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $totalimages -eq $imagestoupdate ]; then
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "Regenerating all $2"
+ elif [ $imagestoupdate -eq 0 ]; then
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "No Updated $2, not regenerating"
+ return
+ else
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "Generating $imagestoupdate of $totalimages $2"
+ fi
+ $FINDCOMMAND . $FINDIMAGESOPTIONS | $XARGSCOMMAND -0 -I {} $ECHOCOMMAND {} | while read filename; do tempfilename=${filename//\"/\\\"/}; if [ ! -r "$2/$tempfilename" ] || [ "$tempfilename" -nt "$2/$tempfilename" ] || [ $($IDENTIFYCOMMAND -format "%w" "$2/$filename") -ne $1 ]; then $ECHOCOMMAND -n $filename; $ECHOCOMMAND -n -e "\000"; fi; done | $XARGSCOMMAND -0 --verbose --max-procs=4 -I {} $CONVERTTOOL -resize $1 '{}' $2/'{}' 2>&1 | while read throwout; do $ECHOCOMMAND done: $currentimage/$imagestoupdate images; currentimage=$((currentimage+1)); done
+ $ECHOCOMMAND done: $imagestoupdate/$imagestoupdate images
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "Completed generating $2 for $totalimages images"
+function generate_thumbs() {
+ generate_resized_images $WIDTH icons
+function generate_medium() {
+ generate_resized_images $MEDIUMWIDTH medium
+function generate_pages() {
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "Generating Pages"
+ previouspage=""
+ currentpage=""
+ nextpage=""
+ previousimage=""
+ currentimage=""
+ nextimage=""
+ extra=""
+ extradir=""
+ addlinks=0
+ if [ ! -z $1 ]; then
+ extra=$1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z $2 ]; then
+ extradir=$2/
+ addlinks=1
+ fi
+ if [ -z $2 ] && [[ $GENERATEPAGESFORMEDIUMSIZE != 0 ]]; then
+ addlinks=2
+ fi
+ while read imagefilename; do
+ previousimage=$currentimage
+ currentimage=$nextimage
+ nextimage=${imagefilename#./}
+ addlink=""
+ if [[ $addlinks == 1 ]]; then
+ addlink=${currentimage}.html
+ else
+ addlink=${currentimage}${extra}.html
+ fi
+ else
+ addlink=${currentimage}
+ fi
+ previouspage=$currentpage
+ currentpage=$nextpage
+ if [[ $addlinks == 1 ]]; then
+ nextpage=${nextimage}${extra}.html
+ else
+ nextpage=${nextimage}.html
+ fi
+ filename=${extradir}${currentimage}
+ echo "'$previouspage' '$currentpage' '$nextpage' '$addlink'" >> /tmp/bpgallery-tmp.log
+ if [ "x$currentpage" != "x" ]; then
+ generate_general_page "$previouspage" "$currentpage" "$nextpage" $addlink
+ fi
+ $ECHOCOMMAND $nextimage
+ done | tail -n 2 | (
+ read previouspage
+ read currentpage
+ addlink=""
+ if [[ $addlinks == 1 ]]; then
+ addlink=${currentpage}.html
+ else
+ addlink=${currentpage}${extra}.html
+ fi
+ else
+ addlink=${currentpage}
+ fi
+ filename=${extradir}${currentpage}
+ if [[ $addlinks == 1 ]]; then
+ currentpage=${currentpage}${extra}.html
+ previouspage=${previouspage}${extra}.html
+ else
+ currentpage=${currentpage}.html
+ previouspage=${previouspage}.html
+ fi
+ nextpage=""
+ generate_general_page "$previouspage" "$currentpage" "" $addlink
+ )
+function generate_medium_pages() {
+ generate_pages __medium medium
+function generate_general_page() {
+ echo 'Generating the page...' >> /tmp/bpgallery-tmp.log
+ if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
+ previouspage=""
+ fi
+ if [[ -z $2 ]]; then
+ currentpage=""
+ return
+ fi
+ if [[ -z $3 ]]; then
+ nextpage=""
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -z $4 ]]; then
+ linklocation=$4
+ fi
+ if [ -r captions.txt ]; then
+ caption=$($GREPCOMMAND -E "^${filename} " captions.txt); caption=${caption#* }
+ else
+ caption=""
+ fi
+ $BPGALLERY_PAGE_FUNCTION > "$currentpage"
+if [[ $OUTPUTHTML != 0 ]]; then
+ $ECHOCOMMAND "<pre>"