+moves=("1,1" "3,1" "5,1" "7,1" "1,2")
+count_trees() {
+ right=$1
+ down=$2
+ cur_down=-1 # we want to skip the very first line
+ pos=0
+ tree_count=0
+ for line in $(<input.txt); do
+ cur_down=$((cur_down+1))
+ if [ $cur_down -eq $down ]; then
+ cur_down=0
+ pos=$((pos + $right))
+ if [ $pos -ge ${#line} ]; then
+ pos=$((pos - ${#line}))
+ fi
+ if [ ${line:$pos:1} = "#" ]; then
+ tree_count=$((tree_count+1))
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$tree_count"
+for move in ${moves[@]}; do
+ down=${move#*,}
+ right=${move%,*}
+ trees=$(count_trees $right $down)
+ echo "Move: $move has $trees trees"
+ mult_total=$((mult_total * $trees))
+echo "Answer: $mult_total"
+exit 0
+trees_count = []
+on_first_line = True
+line_number = 0
+move_types = ((1,1), (3,1), (5,1), (7,1), (1,2))
+for move in move_types:
+ line_offset = 0
+ tree_count = 0
+ position = move[0]
+ first_line = True
+ for line in open("input.txt", "r"):
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ print(move[1], line_offset)
+ if line_offset < move[1] or first_line:
+ line_offset += 1
+ if line_offset >= move[1]:
+ first_line = False
+ continue
+ line_offset = 1
+ if line[position] == "#":
+ tree_count += 1
+ position += move[0]
+ if position >= len(line):
+ position = position - len(line)
+ trees_count.append(tree_count)
+ tree_count = 0
+mult_result = 1
+for x in trees_count:
+ print(x)
+ mult_result *= x
+print("There were", mult_result, "trees")