eval { $url = $twit->get_authorization_url; };
if ($@) {
- ¬ice( "ERROR: Failed to get OAuth authorization_url. " .
- "Try again later.");
+ ¬ice("ERROR: Failed to get OAuth authorization_url. "
+ . "Try again later." );
- ¬ice( "Twirssi not autorized to access $service for $user.",
- "Please authorize at the following url, then enter the pin",
- "supplied with /twirssi_oauth $user\@$service <pin>",
- $url
+ ¬ice(
+ "Twirssi not autorized to access $service for $user.",
+ "Please authorize at the following url, then enter the pin",
+ "supplied with /twirssi_oauth $user\@$service <pin>",
+ $url
$oauth{pending}{"$user\@$service"} = $twit;
$poll = Irssi::timeout_add( &get_poll_time * 1000, \&get_updates, "" );
¬ice("Logged in as $user\@$service, loading friends list...");
- ¬ice( "loaded friends: ". scalar keys %friends );
+ ¬ice( "loaded friends: " . scalar keys %friends );
if ( Irssi::settings_get_bool("twirssi_first_run") ) {
Irssi::settings_set_bool( "twirssi_first_run", 0 );
return undef;
+ my @ignore_tags =
+ Irssi::settings_get_str("twirssi_ignored_tags")
+ ? split ' ', Irssi::settings_get_str("twirssi_ignored_tags")
+ : ();
+ my @strip_tags =
+ Irssi::settings_get_str("twirssi_stripped_tags")
+ ? split ' ', Irssi::settings_get_str("twirssi_stripped_tags")
+ : ();
foreach my $t ( reverse @$tweets ) {
my $text = &get_text( $t, $obj );
my $reply = "tweet";
+ my $match = 0;
+ foreach my $tag (@ignore_tags) {
+ next unless $text =~ /\b\Q$tag\E\b/i;
+ $match = 1;
+ $text = "(ignored: $tag) $text" if &debug;
+ last;
+ }
+ next if not &debug and $match;
+ foreach my $tag (@strip_tags) {
+ $text =~ s/\b\Q$tag\E\b//gi;
+ }
if ( Irssi::settings_get_bool("show_reply_context")
and $t->{in_reply_to_screen_name} ne $username
and $t->{in_reply_to_screen_name}
my $marker = "";
- if ($meta{type} ne 'dm' and $meta{nick} and $meta{id} )
- {
+ if ( $meta{type} ne 'dm' and $meta{nick} and $meta{id} ) {
$marker = ( $id_map{__indexes}{ $meta{nick} } + 1 ) % 100;
$id_map{ lc $meta{nick} }[$marker] = $meta{id};
$id_map{__indexes}{ $meta{nick} } = $marker;
q{ \\ a |},
q{ ',.__. ,__.-'/},
q{ '--/_.'----'`}
- );
+ );
$failwhale = 1;
Irssi::settings_add_str( "twirssi", "twirssi_default_service", "Twitter" );
Irssi::settings_add_str( "twirssi", "twirssi_nick_color", "%B" );
Irssi::settings_add_str( "twirssi", "twirssi_topic_color", "%r" );
+Irssi::settings_add_str( "twirssi", "twirssi_ignored_tags", "" );
+Irssi::settings_add_str( "twirssi", "twirssi_stripped_tags", "" );
Irssi::settings_add_str( "twirssi", "twirssi_retweet_format",
'RT $n: "$t" ${-- $c$}' );
Irssi::settings_add_str( "twirssi", "twirssi_location",
Irssi::signal_add_last( 'complete word' => \&sig_complete );
- ¬ice(" %Y<%C(%B^%C)%N TWIRSSI v%R$VERSION%N",
- " %C(_(\\%N http://twirssi.com/ for full docs",
- " %Y||%C `%N Log in with /twitter_login, send updates with /tweet");
+ ¬ice(
+ " %Y<%C(%B^%C)%N TWIRSSI v%R$VERSION%N",
+ " %C(_(\\%N http://twirssi.com/ for full docs",
+ " %Y||%C `%N Log in with /twitter_login, send updates with /tweet"
+ );
my $file = Irssi::settings_get_str("twirssi_replies_store");
if ( $file and -r $file ) {