use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "2.1.2beta";
-my ($REV) = '$Rev: 497 $' =~ /(\d+)/;
+my ($REV) = '$Rev: 519 $' =~ /(\d+)/;
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Dan Boger',
contact => '',
. 'Can optionally set your bitlbee /away message to same',
license => 'GNU GPL v2',
url => '',
- changed => '$Date: 2009-02-28 11:24:31 -0800 (Sat, 28 Feb 2009) $',
+ changed => '$Date: 2009-03-07 13:30:43 -0800 (Sat, 07 Mar 2009) $',
my $window;
printf $fh "id:%d account:%s nick:%s type:tweet %s\n",
$context->{id}, $username,
$context->{user}{screen_name}, $ctext;
+ if ($context->{truncated}) {
+ printf $fh "id:%d account:%s nick:%s type:ellispis %s\n",
+ $context->{id}."-url", $username,
+ $context->{user}{screen_name},
+ "$context->{user}{screen_name}/status/$context->{id}";
+ }
$reply = "reply";
} elsif ($@) {
print $fh "type:debug request to get context failed: $@";
and not Irssi::settings_get_bool("show_own_tweets");
printf $fh "id:%d account:%s nick:%s type:%s %s\n",
$t->{id}, $username, $t->{user}{screen_name}, $reply, $text;
+ if ($t->{truncated}) {
+ printf $fh "id:%d account:%s nick:%s type:ellispis %s\n",
+ $t->{id}."-url", $username,
+ $t->{user}{screen_name},
+ "$t->{user}{screen_name}/status/$t->{id}";
+ }
print scalar localtime, " - Polling for replies" if &debug;
$text = &hilight($text);
printf $fh "id:%d account:%s nick:%s type:tweet %s\n",
$t->{id}, $username, $t->{user}{screen_name}, $text;
+ if ($t->{truncated}) {
+ printf $fh "id:%d account:%s nick:%s type:ellispis %s\n",
+ $t->{id}."-url", $username,
+ $t->{user}{screen_name},
+ "$t->{user}{screen_name}/status/$t->{id}";
+ }
print scalar localtime, " - Polling for DMs" if &debug;
print JSON JSON::Any->objToJson( \%id_map );
close JSON;
} else {
- ¬ice("Failed to write replies to $file: $!");
+ &ccrap("Failed to write replies to $file: $!");
$failwhale = 0;
q{ '--/_.'----'`}
- ¬ice($whale);
+ &ccrap($whale);
$failwhale = 1;
- ¬ice("Haven't been able to get updated tweets since $since");
+ &ccrap("Haven't been able to get updated tweets since $since");
$window->print( "%R***%n @_", MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC );
+sub ccrap {
+ $window->print( "%R***%n @_", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP );
sub update_away {
my $data = shift;
$server->send_raw("away :$data");
return 1;
} else {
- ¬ice( "Can't find bitlbee server.",
+ &ccrap( "Can't find bitlbee server.",
"Update bitlbee_server or disable tweet_to_away" );
return 0;