my $loc = Irssi::settings_get_str("twirssi_location");
unless ( -w $loc ) {
- ¬ice(
-"$loc isn't writable, can't upgrade. Perhaps you need to /set twirssi_location?"
+ ¬ice( "$loc isn't writable, can't upgrade." .
+ " Perhaps you need to /set twirssi_location?"
eval { use Digest::MD5; };
if ($@) {
- ¬ice(
-"Failed to load Digest::MD5. Try '/twirssi_upgrade nomd5' to skip MD5 verification"
+ ¬ice( "Failed to load Digest::MD5." .
+ " Try '/twirssi_upgrade nomd5' to skip MD5 verification"
unless ( open( CUR, $loc ) ) {
- ¬ice(
-"Failed to read $loc. Check that /set twirssi_location is set to the correct location."
+ ¬ice( "Failed to read $loc." .
+ " Check that /set twirssi_location is set to the correct location."
unless &get_timeline( $fh, $frusers[ $fix_replies_index{$_} ],
- $_, $twits{$_}, \%context_cache );
+ $_, $twits{$_}, \%context_cache );
$fix_replies_index{$_} = 0
if $fix_replies_index{$_} >= @frusers;
- print $fh
-"id:$fix_replies_index{$_} account:$_ type:fix_replies_index\n";
+ print $fh "id:$fix_replies_index{$_} ",
+ "account:$_ type:fix_replies_index\n";
sub get_timeline {
my ( $fh, $target, $username, $obj, $cache ) = @_;
- print $fh
-"type:debug get_timeline($fix_replies_index{$username}=$target) started. username = $username\n";
my $tweets;
+ my $last_id = $id_map{__last_id}{$username}{$target};
+ print $fh "type:debug get_timeline(" .
+ "$fix_replies_index{$username}=$target > $last_id) started." .
+ " username = $username\n";
eval {
$tweets = $obj->user_timeline(
- id => $target,
- since_id => $id_map{__last_id}{$username}{$target}
+ id => $target,
+ (
+ $last_id ? (since_id => $last_id) : ()
+ ),
printf $fh "id:%s account:%s nick:%s type:%s %s\n",
$t->{id}, $username, $t->{user}{screen_name}, $reply, $text;
- $id_map{__last_id}{$username}{$target} = $t->{id} if
- $id_map{__last_id}{$username}{$target} < $t->{id};
+ $last_id = $t->{id} if $last_id < $t->{id};
- printf $fh "id:%s account:%s type:last_id_fixreplies %s\n",
- $id_map{__last_id}{$username}{$target},
- $username, $target;
+ printf $fh "id:%s account:%s type:last_id_fixreplies %s\n",
+ $last_id, $username, $target;
return 1;
[ $filename, $attempt + 1 ] );
} else {
print "Giving up on polling $filename" if &debug;
+ Irssi::pidwait_remove($child_pid);
unlink $filename unless &debug;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_bool("twirssi_notify_timeouts");
keys %{ $id_map{__indexes} };
- if ( $linestart =~ /^\/twitter_unfriend\s*$/ )
+ if ( $linestart =~ /^\/(twitter_unfriend|twitter_add_follow_extra|twitter_del_follow_extra)\s*$/ )
{ # /twitter_unfriend gets a nick
$word =~ s/^@//;
push @$complist, grep /^\Q$word/i,