+# coding=utf-8
+# rss2maildir.py - RSS feeds to Maildir 1 email per item
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Brett Parker <iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import mailbox
import sys
import os
import stat
import feedparser
-import email
+from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
+from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import datetime
import random
import string
+import textwrap
+import socket
from optparse import OptionParser
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+from base64 import b64encode
+import md5
+import cgi
+import dbm
+from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
+entities = {
+ "amp": "&",
+ "lt": "<",
+ "gt": ">",
+ "pound": "£",
+ "copy": "©",
+ "apos": "'",
+ "quote": "\"",
+ "nbsp": " ",
+ }
+class HTML2Text(HTMLParser):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.inheadingone = False
+ self.inheadingtwo = False
+ self.inotherheading = False
+ self.inparagraph = True
+ self.inblockquote = False
+ self.inlink = False
+ self.text = u''
+ self.currentparagraph = u''
+ self.headingtext = u''
+ self.blockquote = u''
+ self.inpre = False
+ self.inul = False
+ self.initem = False
+ self.item = u''
+ HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ if tag.lower() == "h1":
+ self.inheadingone = True
+ self.inparagraph = False
+ elif tag.lower() == "h2":
+ self.inheadingtwo = True
+ self.inparagraph = False
+ elif tag.lower() in ["h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]:
+ self.inotherheading = True
+ self.inparagraph = False
+ elif tag.lower() == "a":
+ self.inlink = True
+ elif tag.lower() == "br":
+ self.handle_br()
+ elif tag.lower() == "blockquote":
+ self.inblockquote = True
+ self.text = self.text + u'\n'
+ elif tag.lower() == "p":
+ if self.text != "":
+ self.text = self.text + u'\n\n'
+ if self.inparagraph:
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(self.currentparagraph, 70))
+ self.currentparagraph = u''
+ self.inparagraph = True
+ elif tag.lower() == "pre":
+ self.text = self.text + "\n"
+ self.inpre = True
+ self.inparagraph = False
+ self.inblockquote = False
+ elif tag.lower() == "ul":
+ self.item = u''
+ self.inul = True
+ self.text = self.text + "\n"
+ elif tag.lower() == "li" and self.inul:
+ if not self.initem:
+ self.initem = True
+ self.item = u''
+ else:
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u' * ' \
+ + u'\n '.join([a.strip() for a in \
+ textwrap.wrap(self.item, 67)]) \
+ + u'\n'
+ self.item = u''
+ def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
+ if tag.lower() == "br":
+ self.handle_br()
+ def handle_br(self):
+ if self.inparagraph:
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n'.join( \
+ [a \
+ for a in textwrap.wrap( \
+ self.currentparagraph, 70) \
+ ] \
+ ) \
+ + u'\n'
+ self.currentparagraph = u''
+ elif self.inblockquote:
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n> ' \
+ + u'\n> '.join( \
+ [a \
+ for a in textwrap.wrap( \
+ self.blockquote.encode("utf-8") \
+ , 68) \
+ ] \
+ ) \
+ + u'\n'
+ self.blockquote = u''
+ else:
+ self.text = self.text + "\n"
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ if tag.lower() == "h1":
+ self.inheadingone = False
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n\n' \
+ + self.headingtext.encode("utf-8") \
+ + u'\n' \
+ + u'=' * len(self.headingtext.encode("utf-8").strip())
+ self.headingtext = u''
+ elif tag.lower() == "h2":
+ self.inheadingtwo = False
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n\n' \
+ + self.headingtext.encode("utf-8") \
+ + u'\n' \
+ + u'-' * len(self.headingtext.encode("utf-8").strip())
+ self.headingtext = u''
+ elif tag.lower() in ["h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]:
+ self.inotherheading = False
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n\n' \
+ + self.headingtext.encode("utf-8") \
+ + u'\n' \
+ + u'~' * len(self.headingtext.encode("utf-8").strip())
+ self.headingtext = u''
+ elif tag.lower() == "p":
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( \
+ self.currentparagraph, 70) \
+ )
+ self.inparagraph = False
+ self.currentparagraph = u''
+ elif tag.lower() == "blockquote":
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u'\n> ' \
+ + u'\n> '.join( \
+ [a.strip() \
+ for a in textwrap.wrap( \
+ self.blockquote, 68)] \
+ ) \
+ + u'\n'
+ self.inblockquote = False
+ self.blockquote = u''
+ elif tag.lower() == "pre":
+ self.inpre = False
+ elif tag.lower() == "li":
+ self.initem = False
+ if self.item != "":
+ self.text = self.text \
+ + u' * ' \
+ + u'\n '.join( \
+ [a.strip() for a in textwrap.wrap(self.item, 67)]) \
+ + u'\n'
+ self.item = u''
+ elif tag.lower() == "ul":
+ self.inul = False
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ if self.inheadingone or self.inheadingtwo or self.inotherheading:
+ self.headingtext = self.headingtext \
+ + unicode(data, "utf-8").strip() \
+ + u' '
+ elif self.inblockquote:
+ self.blockquote = self.blockquote \
+ + unicode(data, "utf-8").strip() \
+ + u' '
+ elif self.inparagraph:
+ self.currentparagraph = self.currentparagraph \
+ + unicode(data, "utf-8").strip() \
+ + u' '
+ elif self.inul and self.initem:
+ self.item = self.item + unicode(data, "utf-8")
+ elif self.inpre:
+ self.text = self.text + unicode(data, "utf-8")
+ else:
+ self.text = self.text + unicode(data, "utf-8").strip() + u' '
+ def handle_entityref(self, name):
+ entity = name
+ if entities.has_key(name.lower()):
+ entity = entities[name.lower()]
+ elif name[0] == "#":
+ entity = unichr(int(name[1:]))
+ else:
+ entity = "&" + name + ";"
+ if self.inparagraph:
+ self.currentparagraph = self.currentparagraph \
+ + unicode(entity, "utf-8")
+ elif self.inblockquote:
+ self.blockquote = self.blockquote + unicode(entity, "utf-8")
+ else:
+ self.text = self.text + unicode(entity, "utf-8")
+ def gettext(self):
+ data = self.text
+ if self.inparagraph:
+ data = data + "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(self.currentparagraph, 70))
+ return data
def parse_and_deliver(maildir, url, statedir):
- md = mailbox.Maildir(maildir)
fp = feedparser.parse(url)
+ db = dbm.open(os.path.join(statedir, "seen"), "c")
for item in fp["items"]:
- # things that we need in the message
- msg = email.message_from_string("")
+ # have we seen it before?
+ # need to work out what the content is first...
+ if item.has_key("content"):
+ content = item["content"][0]["value"]
+ else:
+ content = item["summary"]
+ md5sum = md5.md5(content.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
+ prevmessageid = None
+ if db.has_key(url + "|" + item["link"]):
+ data = db[url + "|" + item["link"]]
+ data = cgi.parse_qs(data)
+ if data.has_key("message-id"):
+ prevmessageid = data["message-id"][0]
+ if data["contentmd5"][0] == md5sum:
+ continue
+ try:
+ author = item["author"]
+ except:
+ author = url
+ # create a basic email message
+ msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
+ messageid = "<" \
+ + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") \
+ + "." \
+ + "".join( \
+ [random.choice( \
+ string.ascii_letters + string.digits \
+ ) for a in range(0,6) \
+ ]) + "@" + socket.gethostname() + ">"
+ msg.add_header("Message-ID", messageid)
+ msg.set_unixfrom("\"%s\" <rss2maildir@localhost>" %(url))
+ msg.add_header("From", "\"%s\" <rss2maildir@localhost>" %(author))
+ msg.add_header("To", "\"%s\" <rss2maildir@localhost>" %(url))
+ if prevmessageid:
+ msg.add_header("References", prevmessageid)
+ createddate = datetime.datetime(*item["updated_parsed"][0:6]) \
+ .strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %T -0000")
+ msg.add_header("Date", createddate)
msg.add_header("Subject", item["title"])
- msg.set_unixfrom("Brett Parker <iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk>")
- msg.add_header("Date", datetime.datetime(*item["created_parsed"][0:6]).strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %T -0000"))
- msg.add_header("To", url)
- msg.set_payload(item["content"][0]["value"])
- msg.set_charset("utf8")
+ htmlpart = MIMEText(content.encode("utf-8"), "html", "utf-8")
+ textparser = HTML2Text()
+ textparser.feed(content.encode("utf-8"))
+ textcontent = textparser.gettext()
+ textpart = MIMEText(textcontent.encode("utf-8"), "plain", "utf-8")
+ msg.attach(textpart)
+ msg.attach(htmlpart)
# start by working out the filename we should be writting to, we do
# this following the normal maildir style rules
- fname = str(os.getpid()) + "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for a in range(0,10)]) + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%s')
+ fname = str(os.getpid()) \
+ + "." + socket.gethostname() \
+ + "." + "".join( \
+ [random.choice( \
+ string.ascii_letters + string.digits \
+ ) for a in range(0,10) \
+ ]) + "." \
+ + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%s')
fn = os.path.join(maildir, "tmp", fname)
fh = open(fn, "w")
os.link(fn, newfn)
+ # now add to the database about the item
+ if prevmessageid:
+ messageid = prevmessageid + " " + messageid
+ data = urllib.urlencode((
+ ("message-id", messageid), \
+ ("created", createddate), \
+ ("contentmd5", md5sum) \
+ ))
+ db[url + "|" + item["link"]] = data
+ db.close()
# first off, parse the command line arguments
oparser = OptionParser()
configfile = options.conf
# should exit here as the specified file doesn't exist
- sys.stderr.write("Config file %s does not exist. Exiting.\n" %(options.conf,))
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "Config file %s does not exist. Exiting.\n" %(options.conf,))
# check through the default locations
mode = os.stat(state_dir)[stat.ST_MODE]
if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
- sys.stderr.write("State directory (%s) is not a directory\n" %(state_dir))
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "State directory (%s) is not a directory\n" %(state_dir))
# try to make the directory
mode = os.stat(state_dir)[stat.ST_MODE]
if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
- sys.stderr.write("State directory (%s) is not a directory\n" %(state_dir))
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "State directory (%s) is not a directory\n" %(state_dir))
# try to create it
state_dir = new_state_dir
- sys.stderr.write("Couldn't create state directory %s\n" %(new_state_dir))
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "Couldn't create state directory %s\n" %(new_state_dir))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ mode = os.stat(state_dir)[stat.ST_MODE]
+ if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "State directory %s is not a directory\n" %(state_dir))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except:
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(state_dir)
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "State directory %s could not be created\n" %(state_dir))
if scp.has_option("general", "maildir_root"):
mode = os.stat(maildir_root)[stat.ST_MODE]
if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
- sys.stderr.write("Maildir Root %s is not a directory\n" %(maildir_root))
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "Maildir Root %s is not a directory\n" \
+ %(maildir_root))
os.mkdir(os.path.join(maildir, "cur"))
os.mkdir(os.path.join(maildir, "tmp"))
- sys.stderr.write("Couldn't create required maildir directories for %s\n" %(section,))
+ sys.stderr.write( \
+ "Couldn't create required maildir directories for %s\n" \
+ %(section,))
# right - we've got the directories, we've got the section, we know the