set timeout 30 set test_name "testcommands" if {![info exists env(QUAGGA_TEST_COMMANDS)]} { # sadly, the test randomly fails when configure parameters differ from # what was used to create testcommands.refout. this can be fixed by # shipping a matching vtysh_cmd.c, which we'll add after 0.99.23 unresolved "$test_name" exit 0 } spawn sh -c "./testcommands -e 0 < $env(srcdir)/ | diff -au - $env(srcdir)/testcommands.refout" expect { eof { } timeout { exp_close fail "$test_name: timeout" } } catch wait result set os_error [lindex $result 2] set exit_status [lindex $result 3] if { $os_error == 0 && $exit_status == 0 } { pass "$test_name" } else { fail "$test_name" }