onak 0.0.1 First release. You're mostly on your own folks. Developed under Linux & FreeBSD. Not currently autoconfed, so might need some tweaking to compile under anything else (or indeed either of those with header files in different places). The DB2 support for pksd databases is read only at present. It was knocked up in an hour to get the pathfinder working with the wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net DB. File database backend support is good for testing. It's running on hell.on.earth.li; currently with just under 400 keys in the database (Postgres backend). This isn't merging with anything at present though; that's the next step which is sort of there. You want to put add & lookup in a /pks directory under a web server running on port 11371 to make gpg happy. There's a mathopd.conf file that I used for testing, however I'm now running it under Apache for the public test rig as that host already runs it. Really needs a config file so all the hardcoded stuff isn't any more. Patches to do stuff welcome. Bug reports welcome. Don't expect quick responses though. ;)