From: %(From)s To: %(To)s Subject: Help for the %(list)s mailing list Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hello, this is the help text for the %(list)s mailing list. The list is operated by the EoC mailing list manager. It understands the following command addresses: %(local)s-help@%(domain)s Sends this help text. %(local)s-subscribe@%(domain)s Subscribe to the list. You will get a confirmation request. %(local)s-subscribe-foo=bar@%(domain)s Subscribe the address foo@bar to the list. foo@bar will get the confirmation request. %(local)s-unsubscribe@%(domain)s Unsubscribe from the list. You will get a confirmation request. %(local)s-unsubscribe-foo=bar@%(domain)s Unsubscribe the address foo@bar from the list. foo@bar will get the confirmation request. If you have problems that are not solved by this help text, please contact the human owner of the list at %(local)s-owner@%(domain)s. Thank you.