From: Brett Parker Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 00:58:48 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Add code for day 7 X-Git-Url: Add code for day 7 --- diff --git a/day07/ b/day07/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bedd6e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/day07/ @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python3 + +import re + +contained_by={} +contains={} + +for rule in open("input.txt", "r"): + rule=rule.rstrip() + print("Rule: {}".format(rule)) + m=re.match("^(.*?) bag(s|) contain (.*)$", rule) + if m: + +", ") + for contained in contain: + m2=re.match('^([0-9]*) (.*?) bag(s|).*$', contained) + if m2 is not None: + bag_count=int( + + if not bag in contains: + contains[bag]=[] + contains[bag].append((bag_count, bag_name)) + if not bag_name in contained_by: + contained_by[bag_name] = [] + if not bag in contained_by[bag_name]: + contained_by[bag_name].append(bag) + +looking_for="shiny gold" + +bags=[] +for bag in contained_by[looking_for]: + if bag not in bags: + bags.append(bag) + +print(bags) + +new_bags=True +new_bag_list=[b for b in bags] +new_new_bag_list=[] +while new_bags: + for bag1 in new_bag_list: + if bag1 not in contained_by: + continue + for bag2 in contained_by[bag1]: + if bag2 not in bags: + new_new_bag_list.append(bag2) + bags.append(bag2) + if (len(new_new_bag_list) > 0): + new_bag_list=[b for b in new_new_bag_list] + new_new_bag_list=[] + new_bags=True + else: + new_bag_list=[] + new_bags=False + +print("Found {} bags that can contain {} bags".format(len(bags), looking_for)) + +def get_count(bag_name): + count=0 + if not bag_name in contains: + return 0 + for (num,bag) in contains[bag_name]: + count+=(get_count(bag)+1)*num + return count + +# now looking for how many bags in bags we're looking for +print("Contains {} bags".format(get_count(looking_for))) diff --git a/day07/ b/day07/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5be32b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/day07/ @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +declare -A contained_by +declare -A contains +shopt -s extglob + +exec 3 0): + new_bag_list=[b for b in new_new_bag_list] + new_new_bag_list=[] + new_bags=True + else: + new_bag_list=[] + new_bags=False + +print("Found {} bags that can contain {} bags".format(len(bags), looking_for)) + +def get_count(bag_name): + count=0 + if not bag_name in contains: + return 0 + for (num,bag) in contains[bag_name]: + count+=(get_count(bag)+1)*num + return count + +# now looking for how many bags in bags we're looking for +print("Contains {} bags".format(get_count(looking_for))) diff --git a/day07/input.txt b/day07/input.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d63893c --- /dev/null +++ b/day07/input.txt @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +dull silver bags contain 2 striped magenta bags, 2 dark coral bags, 1 bright orange bag, 4 plaid blue bags. +dark plum bags contain 3 wavy teal bags. +wavy turquoise bags contain 3 bright salmon bags. +mirrored gold bags contain 3 wavy brown bags, 5 posh beige bags, 3 light crimson bags, 3 vibrant salmon bags. +drab green bags contain 4 dull white bags, 1 posh indigo bag. +faded lime bags contain 1 dim magenta bag, 1 wavy salmon bag, 4 dull purple bags. +mirrored blue bags contain 5 bright orange bags, 1 muted black bag, 2 muted brown bags, 2 vibrant gold bags. +faded crimson bags contain 4 wavy teal bags, 4 mirrored fuchsia bags, 3 plaid white bags. +faded magenta bags contain 2 clear orange bags, 5 dull green bags, 2 pale white bags. +pale red bags contain 5 shiny gold bags, 4 dull gold bags, 2 drab black bags. +dark coral bags contain 1 light turquoise bag. +faded chartreuse bags contain 4 shiny brown bags, 4 mirrored beige bags, 4 clear purple bags. +muted coral bags contain 4 pale coral bags, 4 plaid brown bags. +bright teal bags contain 5 striped blue bags, 4 faded orange bags, 2 faded crimson bags. +wavy green bags contain 5 dim chartreuse bags. +clear white bags contain 2 mirrored fuchsia bags. +clear aqua bags contain 1 faded beige bag. +vibrant yellow bags contain 5 posh brown bags. +pale lavender bags contain 1 striped beige bag, 2 striped cyan bags. +mirrored lime bags contain 3 bright orange bags. +faded tan bags contain 2 drab beige bags. +dark indigo bags contain 1 dark brown bag, 5 shiny beige bags, 1 vibrant indigo bag. +drab teal bags contain 2 vibrant fuchsia bags, 3 muted green bags, 5 dotted magenta bags, 2 shiny lavender bags. +shiny aqua bags contain 1 shiny gold bag, 4 clear white bags, 4 faded gold bags. +dull bronze bags contain 4 vibrant teal bags, 1 vibrant violet bag. +dark aqua bags contain 4 posh white bags. +dim coral bags contain 2 light yellow bags. +faded salmon bags contain 5 muted brown bags, 2 dotted red bags, 3 drab yellow bags, 4 dark red bags. +bright lavender bags contain 5 wavy maroon bags, 5 light brown bags, 5 bright silver bags, 1 dark gray bag. +mirrored cyan bags contain 4 dotted cyan bags, 5 striped orange bags, 1 vibrant gold bag. +drab aqua bags contain 3 striped black bags, 4 dark salmon bags, 1 drab white bag, 4 faded crimson bags. +striped purple bags contain 5 faded yellow bags, 2 faded brown bags. +drab fuchsia bags contain 4 vibrant violet bags, 5 mirrored yellow bags. +shiny red bags contain 3 faded cyan bags, 1 dull beige bag, 1 shiny blue bag, 5 dull cyan bags. +mirrored teal bags contain 4 clear brown bags, 5 light bronze bags, 3 light teal bags, 2 pale tomato bags. +dotted orange bags contain 3 dull white bags, 2 wavy blue bags. +dotted lavender bags contain 1 vibrant aqua bag, 4 shiny magenta bags, 3 dull plum bags. +pale crimson bags contain 4 muted cyan bags, 1 posh brown bag, 3 light magenta bags. +shiny black bags contain 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 1 mirrored yellow bag, 3 posh brown bags, 5 vibrant violet bags. +clear bronze bags contain 5 dull violet bags, 3 pale plum bags. +striped lavender bags contain 1 dark plum bag, 2 striped yellow bags. +plaid indigo bags contain 2 plaid chartreuse bags. +shiny teal bags contain 4 wavy gray bags, 4 drab teal bags, 1 dark silver bag. +dull turquoise bags contain 1 wavy gray bag. +striped brown bags contain 1 striped olive bag, 1 wavy olive bag, 5 posh brown bags. +dotted magenta bags contain 4 drab silver bags, 3 light olive bags, 1 bright tan bag, 4 dull gold bags. +plaid yellow bags contain 5 drab black bags, 1 wavy lavender bag, 1 drab silver bag. +muted blue bags contain 5 posh aqua bags. +shiny olive bags contain 4 dark salmon bags, 1 faded gold bag, 3 drab chartreuse bags, 4 dotted yellow bags. +vibrant lime bags contain 4 shiny aqua bags, 1 bright maroon bag, 4 striped orange bags. +dim crimson bags contain 5 faded crimson bags. +vibrant gray bags contain 1 mirrored coral bag, 5 wavy beige bags, 3 drab turquoise bags. +posh chartreuse bags contain 3 light plum bags, 2 pale green bags, 5 drab white bags. +striped beige bags contain 5 dull red bags, 5 drab salmon bags, 3 vibrant salmon bags. +dotted tan bags contain 4 wavy crimson bags, 4 shiny orange bags, 1 drab turquoise bag. +vibrant aqua bags contain 1 vibrant gray bag, 5 light violet bags, 3 dim yellow bags. +faded turquoise bags contain 2 faded yellow bags, 4 mirrored coral bags. +mirrored purple bags contain 3 pale orange bags. +dim white bags contain 1 drab turquoise bag. +bright purple bags contain 5 muted chartreuse bags, 1 dotted yellow bag, 3 bright salmon bags. +drab red bags contain 1 mirrored magenta bag. +clear coral bags contain 4 drab black bags, 3 dark black bags. +mirrored orange bags contain 1 muted chartreuse bag. +wavy cyan bags contain 3 posh lime bags, 4 dark magenta bags, 4 vibrant turquoise bags. +pale magenta bags contain 4 vibrant turquoise bags, 3 clear gold bags. +posh gold bags contain 5 dotted lime bags, 5 wavy silver bags, 4 muted crimson bags, 1 dull yellow bag. +clear silver bags contain 1 drab indigo bag. +faded violet bags contain 2 mirrored bronze bags. +muted turquoise bags contain 2 plaid green bags, 2 light yellow bags, 4 dark violet bags. +striped bronze bags contain 4 striped white bags, 1 dim yellow bag, 5 clear aqua bags. +muted aqua bags contain 5 plaid green bags. +wavy teal bags contain no other bags. +pale black bags contain 5 dark salmon bags. +clear gold bags contain 2 plaid white bags, 5 drab coral bags, 5 pale coral bags. +muted chartreuse bags contain 5 faded crimson bags. +dotted fuchsia bags contain 1 plaid brown bag, 1 dark violet bag. +bright tomato bags contain 1 bright blue bag. +dim bronze bags contain 1 dotted green bag, 5 pale violet bags, 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 3 striped yellow bags. +bright beige bags contain 1 drab blue bag. +vibrant olive bags contain 3 dotted olive bags. +clear tomato bags contain 1 light gray bag, 2 light turquoise bags, 2 striped yellow bags. +mirrored beige bags contain 3 light coral bags, 2 bright teal bags, 1 wavy magenta bag. +shiny gold bags contain 3 pale silver bags, 3 mirrored yellow bags, 2 shiny black bags, 2 light magenta bags. +plaid aqua bags contain 4 plaid crimson bags, 4 dim gray bags, 3 plaid orange bags, 2 dotted blue bags. +light green bags contain 2 light violet bags, 5 striped violet bags, 5 drab brown bags, 4 dull white bags. +vibrant beige bags contain 3 posh violet bags, 2 plaid blue bags, 4 shiny lavender bags, 5 wavy orange bags. +drab orange bags contain 3 striped beige bags, 3 posh teal bags, 5 drab silver bags, 1 dark indigo bag. +shiny orange bags contain 3 dark aqua bags, 4 clear beige bags, 2 mirrored lime bags, 3 dark violet bags. +wavy maroon bags contain 3 vibrant chartreuse bags. +wavy olive bags contain 5 dark aqua bags, 1 light yellow bag, 1 shiny crimson bag. +dotted cyan bags contain 2 drab gold bags. +muted cyan bags contain 1 clear gold bag, 4 dark plum bags, 2 wavy lavender bags, 5 vibrant indigo bags. +posh cyan bags contain 1 light fuchsia bag, 1 dark maroon bag. +faded bronze bags contain 2 muted salmon bags, 4 dim violet bags, 5 dark tan bags, 3 vibrant white bags. +pale green bags contain 4 muted turquoise bags, 1 vibrant green bag, 1 drab white bag. +clear brown bags contain 4 wavy teal bags, 4 drab violet bags. +striped salmon bags contain 5 mirrored orange bags, 1 shiny yellow bag, 1 muted beige bag, 1 clear purple bag. +posh brown bags contain 3 posh white bags, 4 drab chartreuse bags, 5 dark violet bags, 4 wavy teal bags. +mirrored green bags contain 1 dim tan bag. +bright yellow bags contain 2 striped indigo bags, 2 dark silver bags. +wavy yellow bags contain 3 dotted gold bags, 3 posh green bags. +light chartreuse bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 3 mirrored yellow bags, 3 shiny plum bags, 4 light red bags. +dark lime bags contain 5 vibrant chartreuse bags, 2 clear brown bags, 1 posh brown bag. +muted magenta bags contain 4 shiny silver bags, 2 dotted yellow bags, 4 pale fuchsia bags, 5 muted tan bags. +light plum bags contain 4 drab gold bags. +dim tomato bags contain 1 light silver bag. +pale lime bags contain 4 dull blue bags. +dim black bags contain 1 dark plum bag, 1 dull crimson bag, 5 wavy white bags, 2 plaid chartreuse bags. +muted teal bags contain 3 dim black bags, 4 mirrored lavender bags, 5 dull indigo bags, 3 clear red bags. +muted purple bags contain 1 mirrored red bag. +dull coral bags contain 5 pale teal bags, 2 faded cyan bags, 4 pale black bags, 2 muted olive bags. +vibrant red bags contain 4 light teal bags, 5 shiny fuchsia bags, 1 drab purple bag, 2 muted olive bags. +mirrored tomato bags contain 4 posh brown bags. +shiny coral bags contain 5 clear turquoise bags, 2 wavy salmon bags, 1 drab brown bag. +wavy indigo bags contain 1 vibrant brown bag, 2 dim turquoise bags, 1 posh violet bag, 1 plaid green bag. +dotted gold bags contain 5 pale aqua bags, 1 bright olive bag. +dotted violet bags contain 2 drab olive bags, 1 plaid cyan bag, 2 posh beige bags. +pale fuchsia bags contain 5 faded beige bags, 5 dark purple bags. +shiny chartreuse bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 5 pale tomato bags. +clear gray bags contain 1 bright fuchsia bag, 4 dotted olive bags, 2 light teal bags, 4 shiny magenta bags. +vibrant tomato bags contain 1 clear crimson bag, 3 pale purple bags, 3 faded gray bags. +light orange bags contain 5 plaid brown bags. +shiny tomato bags contain 3 light olive bags, 5 dim silver bags, 3 posh violet bags, 2 striped lavender bags. +faded green bags contain 2 dotted gold bags, 1 dark plum bag, 1 dull gray bag, 5 dark brown bags. +dim gray bags contain 5 muted white bags, 2 mirrored yellow bags, 1 muted tomato bag. +faded black bags contain 3 faded teal bags, 3 striped lavender bags, 2 striped blue bags, 4 muted lavender bags. +clear lime bags contain 3 mirrored yellow bags, 1 light yellow bag. +dark silver bags contain 4 wavy orange bags, 2 muted green bags. +plaid black bags contain 3 wavy indigo bags, 1 pale red bag. +mirrored black bags contain 5 dull black bags, 4 clear coral bags, 1 wavy olive bag, 4 dull silver bags. +light coral bags contain 5 drab black bags, 1 dark magenta bag, 1 drab teal bag, 1 mirrored crimson bag. +shiny yellow bags contain 5 faded indigo bags. +posh plum bags contain 3 faded maroon bags, 2 vibrant indigo bags, 1 bright turquoise bag. +faded olive bags contain 1 vibrant gray bag, 4 drab teal bags, 5 wavy teal bags. +dim plum bags contain 1 plaid white bag, 4 wavy beige bags, 3 wavy green bags. +muted tomato bags contain 5 dotted red bags, 1 drab purple bag, 1 light orange bag. +clear fuchsia bags contain 1 mirrored olive bag, 2 faded salmon bags. +striped violet bags contain 2 light olive bags, 1 plaid olive bag, 5 light white bags. +dim aqua bags contain 2 vibrant purple bags, 5 drab silver bags. +striped crimson bags contain 5 muted coral bags. +bright indigo bags contain 3 muted gold bags. +dotted black bags contain 4 shiny crimson bags, 5 dark salmon bags, 5 faded crimson bags, 2 vibrant magenta bags. +faded indigo bags contain 1 drab tomato bag. +bright bronze bags contain 1 wavy lime bag, 4 pale violet bags. +drab turquoise bags contain 2 drab gold bags, 2 vibrant gold bags, 4 pale tomato bags. +wavy black bags contain 2 dotted brown bags, 1 light salmon bag. +posh green bags contain 1 striped olive bag, 5 vibrant turquoise bags, 4 pale coral bags. +clear green bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 4 shiny crimson bags, 1 light white bag. +dull chartreuse bags contain 2 dim aqua bags, 3 shiny black bags. +drab lime bags contain 1 wavy chartreuse bag, 4 mirrored chartreuse bags, 1 posh olive bag, 5 mirrored lavender bags. +bright tan bags contain 4 muted tan bags, 5 shiny gold bags, 1 mirrored red bag, 3 dull crimson bags. +dim maroon bags contain 3 clear red bags, 5 dark brown bags, 2 bright maroon bags, 1 muted teal bag. +drab tomato bags contain 4 dim orange bags, 2 mirrored violet bags, 3 faded purple bags. +muted gold bags contain 1 dim cyan bag. +striped white bags contain 1 plaid white bag, 1 posh purple bag, 3 muted cyan bags, 2 pale crimson bags. +wavy beige bags contain 2 plaid white bags, 3 dark brown bags. +vibrant turquoise bags contain 2 muted turquoise bags, 3 plaid green bags, 1 shiny crimson bag. +dark fuchsia bags contain 1 pale purple bag, 1 dim fuchsia bag, 3 light teal bags, 3 vibrant magenta bags. +dotted aqua bags contain 1 bright white bag, 5 clear gold bags, 5 clear tomato bags. +faded silver bags contain 1 light lime bag, 4 wavy gold bags. +faded brown bags contain 4 light aqua bags. +bright gray bags contain 3 faded red bags, 2 muted plum bags, 1 wavy brown bag. +wavy tan bags contain 1 pale maroon bag, 5 posh black bags. +bright blue bags contain 5 posh purple bags. +striped gold bags contain 4 dull tan bags, 1 shiny crimson bag, 2 clear blue bags. +bright magenta bags contain 4 shiny orange bags. +dotted brown bags contain 4 faded teal bags, 5 mirrored coral bags. +muted silver bags contain 5 striped black bags, 3 faded beige bags, 4 plaid crimson bags, 2 wavy brown bags. +wavy purple bags contain 1 dim brown bag, 1 bright yellow bag, 5 shiny lime bags. +dull plum bags contain 1 posh black bag, 4 vibrant fuchsia bags, 5 dull bronze bags. +dotted red bags contain 5 striped tomato bags, 4 shiny orange bags, 4 clear magenta bags, 5 pale coral bags. +light violet bags contain 2 bright beige bags, 5 mirrored plum bags, 3 wavy fuchsia bags, 1 clear tan bag. +dark teal bags contain 3 dull gray bags, 2 dark aqua bags, 1 clear beige bag. +light fuchsia bags contain 2 muted silver bags, 2 striped beige bags. +posh blue bags contain 5 striped olive bags, 5 dim coral bags. +light black bags contain 2 drab coral bags, 2 shiny indigo bags. +pale chartreuse bags contain 5 pale tomato bags. +drab gold bags contain 1 faded gold bag, 5 shiny gold bags. +posh bronze bags contain 2 drab aqua bags, 5 pale gray bags. +light tomato bags contain 5 wavy lime bags. +dull tan bags contain 3 drab blue bags, 4 dull green bags, 4 clear violet bags. +muted beige bags contain 5 clear white bags, 5 faded crimson bags. +faded fuchsia bags contain 5 plaid purple bags, 1 shiny silver bag, 4 muted violet bags. +bright green bags contain 5 dim teal bags, 5 shiny crimson bags, 5 clear crimson bags. +mirrored fuchsia bags contain 4 posh white bags, 5 wavy teal bags, 2 dark violet bags. +vibrant plum bags contain 2 posh yellow bags. +plaid bronze bags contain 4 dotted coral bags, 4 dull green bags, 2 plaid chartreuse bags. +plaid fuchsia bags contain 5 bright white bags. +dull red bags contain 2 mirrored fuchsia bags, 3 vibrant violet bags, 2 bright olive bags, 1 dim orange bag. +faded gray bags contain 1 dull purple bag, 2 posh salmon bags. +wavy plum bags contain 4 pale violet bags, 3 striped magenta bags, 4 pale red bags. +dark crimson bags contain 4 dim yellow bags, 1 dotted purple bag, 2 wavy indigo bags, 4 clear black bags. +pale cyan bags contain 5 shiny coral bags, 4 shiny beige bags, 2 plaid olive bags. +dull violet bags contain 3 wavy olive bags, 1 dull gray bag, 5 vibrant turquoise bags, 1 plaid purple bag. +wavy chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted magenta bag, 3 bright orange bags, 1 mirrored red bag. +dark cyan bags contain 5 dotted turquoise bags, 1 clear purple bag, 1 dim teal bag. +posh coral bags contain 3 muted bronze bags. +pale yellow bags contain 1 drab tomato bag. +plaid turquoise bags contain 1 muted gray bag. +dotted purple bags contain 5 posh silver bags, 4 dark salmon bags. +light indigo bags contain 4 mirrored red bags, 4 light olive bags. +faded plum bags contain 3 mirrored gold bags. +faded coral bags contain 5 dull tan bags. +clear indigo bags contain 5 mirrored magenta bags, 1 clear maroon bag, 1 bright blue bag, 5 light aqua bags. +dim cyan bags contain 5 plaid green bags. +dotted maroon bags contain 5 pale maroon bags, 2 dark indigo bags. +faded beige bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag. +striped indigo bags contain 1 dark gray bag, 3 drab olive bags. +clear yellow bags contain 4 dull gray bags, 1 muted green bag. +light lavender bags contain 4 pale coral bags, 2 light yellow bags, 2 light indigo bags. +light turquoise bags contain 5 pale fuchsia bags, 5 vibrant fuchsia bags, 5 vibrant magenta bags, 3 pale indigo bags. +light purple bags contain 2 light cyan bags. +bright gold bags contain 1 dark aqua bag. +muted bronze bags contain 2 light teal bags. +striped gray bags contain 2 light cyan bags, 1 pale black bag, 5 plaid plum bags. +wavy orange bags contain 2 pale coral bags, 2 dim coral bags. +wavy silver bags contain 2 posh white bags, 1 faded beige bag. +clear chartreuse bags contain 1 vibrant lime bag, 2 faded plum bags, 1 striped chartreuse bag, 5 clear maroon bags. +vibrant tan bags contain 3 striped lime bags, 4 pale maroon bags, 2 muted turquoise bags, 4 dark lime bags. +posh aqua bags contain 2 muted tan bags, 2 shiny blue bags, 2 posh purple bags. +bright orange bags contain no other bags. +drab coral bags contain no other bags. +light white bags contain 5 striped yellow bags. +wavy violet bags contain 1 pale silver bag, 2 shiny fuchsia bags, 1 vibrant violet bag, 1 shiny plum bag. +dark white bags contain 4 shiny maroon bags, 2 dim brown bags, 2 dark beige bags, 1 pale blue bag. +vibrant violet bags contain 4 striped blue bags, 1 mirrored lime bag, 1 posh white bag. +vibrant lavender bags contain 4 dotted magenta bags, 1 wavy red bag, 3 pale coral bags, 3 clear indigo bags. +dark purple bags contain 4 posh white bags. +mirrored lavender bags contain 5 clear brown bags, 2 faded gold bags. +striped silver bags contain 3 light yellow bags, 1 drab violet bag. +faded blue bags contain 3 muted violet bags, 4 wavy plum bags, 2 pale indigo bags, 1 wavy bronze bag. +drab cyan bags contain 4 dim tomato bags, 1 plaid lavender bag, 4 pale red bags, 2 drab olive bags. +clear lavender bags contain 3 wavy olive bags, 5 bright gray bags, 3 wavy beige bags, 2 dim violet bags. +striped aqua bags contain 3 mirrored lavender bags. +plaid tomato bags contain 2 posh cyan bags, 3 pale silver bags. +plaid salmon bags contain 1 muted lavender bag, 5 muted green bags, 3 bright aqua bags. +light blue bags contain 1 light white bag, 4 clear violet bags, 3 dark brown bags. +dark blue bags contain 5 posh aqua bags. +faded teal bags contain 3 light beige bags. +plaid chartreuse bags contain 4 wavy teal bags. +wavy gray bags contain 3 drab white bags, 2 muted lavender bags. +pale maroon bags contain 4 faded crimson bags, 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 1 plaid green bag, 1 vibrant turquoise bag. +dark bronze bags contain 4 faded turquoise bags, 2 faded silver bags, 5 faded salmon bags. +pale coral bags contain 3 mirrored yellow bags, 4 dark plum bags, 2 dark aqua bags, 4 plaid white bags. +mirrored magenta bags contain 5 vibrant lime bags, 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 3 striped aqua bags. +mirrored salmon bags contain 4 striped salmon bags, 1 posh tan bag, 3 faded bronze bags. +drab tan bags contain 5 vibrant violet bags. +vibrant indigo bags contain 1 pale coral bag, 1 light teal bag, 2 light magenta bags. +plaid lavender bags contain 1 striped silver bag, 1 clear lime bag. +muted plum bags contain 2 plaid crimson bags. +posh gray bags contain 5 mirrored lime bags. +clear maroon bags contain 5 wavy bronze bags, 3 dim gold bags, 2 muted beige bags, 5 posh coral bags. +striped maroon bags contain 2 dotted violet bags, 4 bright fuchsia bags, 4 striped aqua bags. +faded yellow bags contain 2 wavy teal bags, 3 wavy lavender bags. +posh black bags contain 1 drab silver bag, 2 clear white bags, 5 muted silver bags. +muted indigo bags contain 1 dark green bag, 1 plaid chartreuse bag, 3 bright indigo bags, 5 wavy silver bags. +wavy brown bags contain 5 faded red bags, 4 bright orange bags, 3 dim black bags. +vibrant coral bags contain 5 plaid white bags, 5 vibrant indigo bags. +wavy white bags contain 1 plaid green bag, 3 drab chartreuse bags, 1 posh white bag. +pale violet bags contain 2 shiny orange bags, 4 plaid crimson bags. +clear black bags contain 4 wavy blue bags, 5 plaid tan bags, 4 clear magenta bags. +faded aqua bags contain 2 wavy teal bags. +dotted green bags contain 5 shiny orange bags, 1 light magenta bag. +bright coral bags contain 2 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 light lime bags, 1 shiny gold bag. +vibrant fuchsia bags contain 1 vibrant chartreuse bag, 1 striped black bag. +dark turquoise bags contain 5 shiny salmon bags, 2 light lavender bags. +shiny green bags contain 1 pale silver bag, 4 dim red bags, 3 dark lime bags, 4 drab coral bags. +clear red bags contain 5 light teal bags, 5 posh brown bags. +dull gold bags contain 1 drab tan bag, 4 striped tomato bags, 5 pale maroon bags, 2 dim crimson bags. +mirrored red bags contain 3 shiny crimson bags, 4 plaid brown bags, 2 shiny black bags. +pale blue bags contain 1 wavy crimson bag, 4 faded beige bags, 4 shiny chartreuse bags. +clear beige bags contain 4 plaid crimson bags, 5 shiny crimson bags. +drab salmon bags contain 4 dim crimson bags, 3 light magenta bags, 1 clear violet bag. +vibrant magenta bags contain 4 dim black bags. +dark salmon bags contain 3 dull green bags, 4 faded red bags. +posh white bags contain no other bags. +light lime bags contain 5 dark aqua bags. +vibrant salmon bags contain 4 striped tomato bags, 4 clear aqua bags. +clear teal bags contain 3 striped gray bags. +plaid silver bags contain 3 vibrant violet bags, 2 muted magenta bags, 3 dark olive bags, 4 mirrored gold bags. +striped cyan bags contain 4 light gold bags, 2 dotted magenta bags. +wavy bronze bags contain 1 plaid crimson bag, 1 dull gray bag, 5 dull tan bags, 1 mirrored teal bag. +dim olive bags contain 4 vibrant lime bags, 2 shiny crimson bags, 2 muted turquoise bags. +dotted blue bags contain 4 vibrant gray bags, 2 shiny beige bags. +plaid blue bags contain 5 drab silver bags. +dark olive bags contain 1 pale coral bag, 4 vibrant indigo bags. +pale gray bags contain 3 dotted crimson bags, 1 striped magenta bag, 5 wavy white bags, 2 vibrant blue bags. +mirrored brown bags contain 2 bright cyan bags, 4 plaid brown bags, 5 faded turquoise bags. +wavy gold bags contain 1 wavy coral bag. +pale teal bags contain 3 vibrant magenta bags. +mirrored turquoise bags contain 4 mirrored olive bags, 5 bright yellow bags. +dark chartreuse bags contain 4 dotted cyan bags, 5 shiny turquoise bags, 5 vibrant salmon bags, 4 wavy yellow bags. +muted gray bags contain 3 dim orange bags. +posh turquoise bags contain 4 clear lavender bags, 5 dim coral bags, 2 striped salmon bags. +shiny cyan bags contain 4 striped gold bags. +drab olive bags contain 2 plaid cyan bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +posh tomato bags contain 2 drab tan bags, 3 shiny orange bags. +muted fuchsia bags contain 1 pale salmon bag, 3 wavy violet bags, 3 mirrored maroon bags. +pale bronze bags contain 3 drab yellow bags, 3 muted chartreuse bags. +striped green bags contain 3 striped orange bags, 2 dull green bags, 3 vibrant tan bags. +faded orange bags contain 3 mirrored plum bags, 5 mirrored lime bags, 5 faded red bags. +dull aqua bags contain 2 striped coral bags. +dotted olive bags contain 4 faded salmon bags, 1 wavy green bag. +vibrant silver bags contain 4 mirrored yellow bags, 2 dotted salmon bags, 3 drab silver bags. +striped olive bags contain 1 mirrored fuchsia bag, 1 faded gold bag, 1 mirrored lavender bag. +dark violet bags contain no other bags. +mirrored olive bags contain 5 dull teal bags, 1 dim white bag. +plaid tan bags contain 4 pale gray bags, 2 dim crimson bags, 1 clear violet bag, 1 wavy lime bag. +pale tomato bags contain 5 posh green bags, 4 faded red bags. +dim turquoise bags contain 1 shiny gold bag, 5 drab blue bags. +muted lime bags contain 3 vibrant lime bags, 1 pale plum bag, 1 dark indigo bag. +drab beige bags contain 3 vibrant magenta bags. +posh beige bags contain 2 dark violet bags. +muted olive bags contain 2 pale brown bags, 5 light gray bags, 3 wavy green bags, 2 drab tan bags. +dim orange bags contain 1 clear lime bag, 4 faded beige bags, 2 mirrored fuchsia bags. +dull salmon bags contain 4 striped coral bags, 3 striped aqua bags. +dull maroon bags contain 3 clear brown bags, 5 dull magenta bags, 1 dim red bag. +mirrored coral bags contain 5 muted tan bags, 4 dotted magenta bags, 5 dim olive bags. +posh olive bags contain 4 dull magenta bags, 4 wavy blue bags, 2 drab yellow bags, 5 dotted gold bags. +mirrored violet bags contain 2 pale fuchsia bags. +drab bronze bags contain 4 drab chartreuse bags. +wavy fuchsia bags contain 2 dark gray bags, 5 muted silver bags. +pale plum bags contain 3 vibrant salmon bags, 5 drab chartreuse bags, 2 posh violet bags. +mirrored aqua bags contain 2 pale aqua bags. +bright silver bags contain 3 drab black bags, 5 dark salmon bags, 2 shiny beige bags, 2 posh lavender bags. +plaid lime bags contain 4 faded teal bags, 5 pale brown bags, 5 dim red bags. +dotted turquoise bags contain 3 dim olive bags, 2 mirrored blue bags, 3 dull lime bags, 4 vibrant lavender bags. +drab maroon bags contain 5 bright red bags. +wavy lavender bags contain 1 striped lime bag, 1 posh brown bag. +shiny beige bags contain 5 shiny aqua bags, 3 muted teal bags, 5 clear gold bags. +dark gold bags contain 4 clear maroon bags, 2 dotted maroon bags, 3 light red bags. +light aqua bags contain 2 dim red bags, 3 pale red bags. +posh teal bags contain 3 muted brown bags, 5 shiny gold bags, 5 dotted purple bags. +dull lavender bags contain 5 shiny blue bags. +dark tan bags contain 1 muted tan bag, 5 vibrant turquoise bags, 4 dark violet bags, 4 muted plum bags. +light beige bags contain 2 mirrored fuchsia bags, 1 drab chartreuse bag, 1 muted tan bag. +pale olive bags contain 3 clear brown bags. +dark maroon bags contain 5 dull plum bags, 3 muted green bags. +muted red bags contain 4 pale tan bags, 1 bright white bag. +light tan bags contain 3 light purple bags, 2 pale aqua bags, 3 wavy bronze bags. +clear magenta bags contain 3 vibrant chartreuse bags, 1 dim crimson bag. +dark orange bags contain 2 posh cyan bags, 1 wavy brown bag, 5 dull black bags. +dim lavender bags contain 5 drab fuchsia bags. +dotted beige bags contain 5 light blue bags, 4 plaid tan bags, 2 wavy maroon bags, 5 dim crimson bags. +dim green bags contain 3 plaid tan bags, 1 drab blue bag, 1 clear aqua bag. +plaid brown bags contain 3 muted turquoise bags, 4 drab chartreuse bags. +bright black bags contain 5 striped white bags. +plaid gold bags contain 3 shiny lime bags, 1 plaid maroon bag, 4 bright blue bags. +pale white bags contain 4 drab chartreuse bags, 3 pale tan bags, 5 pale aqua bags. +drab violet bags contain no other bags. +light magenta bags contain 3 faded crimson bags. +light gold bags contain 1 dim lavender bag, 3 light magenta bags, 5 drab gold bags. +plaid coral bags contain 1 vibrant salmon bag, 3 striped tomato bags, 3 posh blue bags. +dotted white bags contain 1 wavy lavender bag. +striped yellow bags contain 4 drab black bags, 2 faded red bags, 2 shiny gold bags, 4 dark aqua bags. +dark yellow bags contain 5 wavy bronze bags, 5 bright purple bags. +faded white bags contain 3 light tomato bags. +muted white bags contain 5 faded gold bags, 1 plaid magenta bag, 3 drab white bags, 5 dim brown bags. +faded red bags contain 1 posh brown bag, 2 muted turquoise bags, 3 plaid crimson bags, 4 shiny orange bags. +dark red bags contain 5 shiny salmon bags. +dull gray bags contain 2 posh white bags. +bright salmon bags contain 2 shiny aqua bags, 3 dotted crimson bags, 1 drab violet bag, 4 pale chartreuse bags. +mirrored chartreuse bags contain 1 vibrant magenta bag, 3 plaid salmon bags, 1 plaid chartreuse bag, 3 muted violet bags. +vibrant orange bags contain 5 posh yellow bags. +dark gray bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag, 2 drab violet bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag, 1 muted purple bag. +mirrored crimson bags contain 3 drab coral bags, 5 dull lime bags. +muted violet bags contain 3 dotted crimson bags, 3 light olive bags. +shiny brown bags contain 2 dark lavender bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags, 1 dark black bag, 2 drab olive bags. +muted green bags contain 1 dull cyan bag, 5 dull red bags, 4 pale chartreuse bags. +drab yellow bags contain 3 pale tomato bags. +dotted tomato bags contain 2 shiny magenta bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags, 5 plaid chartreuse bags. +plaid red bags contain 3 pale cyan bags. +bright red bags contain 1 shiny beige bag. +plaid purple bags contain 5 dull gold bags. +dark green bags contain 3 pale salmon bags, 3 dim brown bags, 2 wavy violet bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags. +plaid orange bags contain 1 vibrant chartreuse bag, 2 dotted coral bags, 1 posh teal bag. +plaid violet bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag. +posh tan bags contain 1 shiny beige bag, 2 dim magenta bags, 1 dark violet bag. +bright aqua bags contain 1 drab brown bag, 4 dotted purple bags. +vibrant white bags contain 4 light gray bags, 2 dark fuchsia bags, 1 pale cyan bag. +striped red bags contain 5 faded gold bags, 5 drab crimson bags, 3 faded turquoise bags. +dull purple bags contain 1 pale crimson bag. +shiny blue bags contain 1 pale violet bag, 5 mirrored plum bags, 3 posh white bags, 1 light yellow bag. +clear salmon bags contain 2 striped lime bags, 1 dull violet bag. +faded gold bags contain 3 light teal bags, 3 wavy teal bags. +mirrored yellow bags contain 2 muted turquoise bags, 4 drab chartreuse bags. +plaid gray bags contain 4 plaid plum bags. +plaid white bags contain no other bags. +drab black bags contain 2 mirrored yellow bags, 2 drab chartreuse bags, 1 shiny orange bag. +dotted chartreuse bags contain 2 vibrant cyan bags, 2 light salmon bags, 3 vibrant red bags, 5 light turquoise bags. +faded lavender bags contain 3 dark tomato bags, 5 muted lime bags, 4 light fuchsia bags, 4 dull lavender bags. +vibrant cyan bags contain 2 clear crimson bags, 3 pale orange bags, 4 dull indigo bags, 3 light red bags. +bright maroon bags contain 2 muted tan bags, 2 light teal bags. +drab silver bags contain 3 bright chartreuse bags, 4 pale crimson bags, 5 dotted crimson bags, 5 faded yellow bags. +drab purple bags contain 5 drab blue bags. +dim gold bags contain 1 bright cyan bag, 5 dull white bags, 3 vibrant blue bags. +dark beige bags contain 4 pale coral bags, 1 pale indigo bag. +dotted salmon bags contain 2 drab violet bags, 5 posh white bags. +vibrant crimson bags contain 5 faded teal bags, 3 dotted green bags, 1 clear maroon bag. +dim chartreuse bags contain 3 clear white bags. +bright violet bags contain 1 dim yellow bag, 1 muted purple bag, 4 muted teal bags, 5 striped cyan bags. +dim magenta bags contain 1 pale aqua bag, 4 pale maroon bags, 5 mirrored red bags, 4 drab yellow bags. +dim brown bags contain 5 faded salmon bags, 4 dotted magenta bags, 5 drab tomato bags, 2 faded teal bags. +shiny lime bags contain 5 dotted black bags, 4 plaid turquoise bags, 2 dim tomato bags, 2 clear magenta bags. +drab magenta bags contain 3 dark beige bags. +faded cyan bags contain 2 striped lime bags, 4 bright red bags. +dark brown bags contain 4 mirrored lime bags, 1 bright orange bag. +posh fuchsia bags contain 5 shiny gold bags, 5 pale salmon bags, 1 light coral bag, 1 mirrored plum bag. +shiny magenta bags contain 4 dark aqua bags. +dark lavender bags contain 1 pale purple bag, 3 vibrant yellow bags. +vibrant brown bags contain 2 posh teal bags, 1 wavy silver bag, 2 pale plum bags. +muted black bags contain 5 faded crimson bags, 3 dim crimson bags, 4 vibrant magenta bags. +muted brown bags contain 5 striped olive bags, 5 dark brown bags, 2 clear brown bags, 4 plaid white bags. +pale orange bags contain 4 bright blue bags, 3 dark aqua bags, 1 clear gold bag. +light cyan bags contain 3 muted silver bags. +drab white bags contain 2 drab tan bags, 2 striped tomato bags, 4 dull gray bags, 5 drab blue bags. +dim tan bags contain 3 mirrored bronze bags, 3 faded salmon bags, 4 drab purple bags. +dull tomato bags contain 3 clear lime bags. +wavy aqua bags contain 3 dotted orange bags, 5 shiny crimson bags. +shiny lavender bags contain 5 vibrant blue bags, 4 pale purple bags, 1 wavy bronze bag, 2 posh violet bags. +shiny white bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 5 pale cyan bags. +wavy blue bags contain 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 4 plaid brown bags, 3 plaid white bags, 2 faded gold bags. +striped magenta bags contain 2 dark olive bags, 5 bright chartreuse bags. +vibrant black bags contain 4 plaid white bags, 2 dull silver bags, 5 striped purple bags, 1 dark plum bag. +dull green bags contain 2 dull crimson bags. +vibrant chartreuse bags contain 2 bright orange bags, 4 dark aqua bags. +dim violet bags contain 2 dark teal bags, 4 plaid brown bags, 4 mirrored yellow bags. +clear blue bags contain 5 posh maroon bags. +faded tomato bags contain 5 clear beige bags, 4 bright orange bags. +posh violet bags contain 3 clear gold bags. +striped tomato bags contain 2 shiny black bags. +muted crimson bags contain 4 light aqua bags, 3 dim gold bags. +clear tan bags contain 4 drab tomato bags, 4 mirrored bronze bags, 1 shiny chartreuse bag. +posh magenta bags contain 4 posh red bags, 3 light bronze bags. +dim blue bags contain 5 dim gray bags, 1 light turquoise bag, 5 muted bronze bags. +drab plum bags contain 1 vibrant plum bag, 4 striped coral bags. +pale silver bags contain 5 drab black bags. +posh purple bags contain 2 dark brown bags. +drab indigo bags contain 1 muted lavender bag, 2 posh salmon bags, 1 pale brown bag. +striped blue bags contain 4 wavy teal bags. +wavy magenta bags contain 1 dotted salmon bag, 1 drab black bag, 2 dull tan bags, 1 drab silver bag. +pale turquoise bags contain 4 dark lime bags, 4 drab maroon bags. +shiny tan bags contain 4 plaid coral bags, 3 dim black bags, 1 dull plum bag. +light teal bags contain 3 dark violet bags. +mirrored silver bags contain 1 striped salmon bag, 1 clear chartreuse bag, 2 clear orange bags, 2 posh aqua bags. +wavy coral bags contain 2 muted teal bags, 1 wavy white bag. +wavy crimson bags contain 1 shiny aqua bag, 3 muted beige bags. +shiny bronze bags contain 1 posh indigo bag, 5 wavy blue bags, 1 faded gold bag, 3 striped tomato bags. +shiny maroon bags contain 1 clear tomato bag, 1 wavy crimson bag. +bright turquoise bags contain 3 dull tan bags, 3 vibrant teal bags. +faded purple bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag. +bright white bags contain 2 faded gold bags. +clear orange bags contain 4 striped blue bags, 2 mirrored lime bags, 5 muted turquoise bags. +clear cyan bags contain 1 dim plum bag, 3 shiny brown bags, 1 muted purple bag, 2 plaid lime bags. +plaid teal bags contain 2 faded aqua bags, 4 wavy olive bags. +dotted lime bags contain 5 posh olive bags, 2 pale orange bags. +muted tan bags contain 1 dull gray bag, 2 dark aqua bags, 1 pale violet bag. +striped orange bags contain 3 mirrored lime bags, 2 dull crimson bags, 4 faded gold bags, 3 pale silver bags. +light olive bags contain 2 dark tan bags, 3 dim orange bags, 5 mirrored yellow bags. +plaid magenta bags contain 2 wavy orange bags, 1 wavy chartreuse bag, 5 striped coral bags. +dark magenta bags contain 3 bright white bags, 3 plaid purple bags, 3 striped black bags, 4 light beige bags. +dark black bags contain 3 pale tan bags, 4 mirrored orange bags, 3 dull teal bags. +posh orange bags contain 4 bright aqua bags, 1 dim crimson bag, 4 dim turquoise bags, 1 dotted bronze bag. +dull crimson bags contain 4 vibrant violet bags. +clear turquoise bags contain 1 muted brown bag, 2 dull yellow bags, 3 pale black bags, 1 plaid crimson bag. +vibrant blue bags contain 2 clear beige bags. +dull lime bags contain 4 shiny plum bags, 3 vibrant magenta bags, 3 dark olive bags. +drab brown bags contain 4 clear green bags. +mirrored plum bags contain 2 faded red bags. +shiny fuchsia bags contain 2 muted cyan bags, 4 dark aqua bags, 3 light olive bags, 2 clear gold bags. +vibrant purple bags contain 3 pale aqua bags, 3 dark lime bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag. +bright crimson bags contain 1 vibrant gold bag. +shiny plum bags contain 2 clear olive bags, 4 dark plum bags. +shiny crimson bags contain no other bags. +dull beige bags contain 1 mirrored coral bag. +dim salmon bags contain 1 clear tomato bag, 2 shiny teal bags, 4 plaid olive bags, 3 plaid purple bags. +muted maroon bags contain 2 muted violet bags, 4 dark white bags. +pale aqua bags contain 4 dark beige bags, 1 muted brown bag. +bright plum bags contain 4 dim black bags. +striped tan bags contain 3 bright orange bags, 3 dark violet bags, 4 drab blue bags, 2 vibrant lime bags. +clear crimson bags contain 3 wavy brown bags, 1 faded blue bag, 2 striped cyan bags. +dim indigo bags contain 3 dotted lime bags, 1 dotted purple bag. +pale tan bags contain 2 drab blue bags, 5 dim orange bags, 5 wavy olive bags, 3 striped tomato bags. +vibrant bronze bags contain 5 clear red bags, 5 posh red bags. +dotted bronze bags contain 1 light yellow bag. +wavy salmon bags contain 2 striped olive bags, 4 muted teal bags. +shiny turquoise bags contain 3 dark teal bags, 1 plaid yellow bag. +faded maroon bags contain 1 vibrant salmon bag, 5 dotted magenta bags, 1 faded tan bag, 5 striped tomato bags. +vibrant teal bags contain 4 light teal bags, 3 pale orange bags, 5 drab white bags. +vibrant gold bags contain 1 muted cyan bag, 2 mirrored plum bags, 1 drab coral bag, 4 dark lime bags. +bright cyan bags contain 2 muted silver bags, 5 plaid bronze bags, 3 light beige bags, 2 faded crimson bags. +shiny silver bags contain 4 mirrored fuchsia bags, 2 clear violet bags, 3 faded beige bags. +dark tomato bags contain 4 clear lime bags, 2 light beige bags, 3 bright turquoise bags. +mirrored indigo bags contain 5 posh chartreuse bags, 5 clear tomato bags. +dotted indigo bags contain 2 drab olive bags, 2 dim indigo bags, 5 dotted magenta bags. +shiny gray bags contain 4 muted chartreuse bags, 4 plaid gray bags, 3 dull red bags, 5 striped orange bags. +dim yellow bags contain 1 muted cyan bag, 4 mirrored fuchsia bags, 1 faded gold bag, 1 drab turquoise bag. +bright lime bags contain 5 shiny bronze bags, 3 wavy aqua bags, 4 plaid turquoise bags. +dotted gray bags contain 2 shiny gold bags. +striped black bags contain 1 wavy teal bag, 5 dim chartreuse bags, 4 mirrored lavender bags. +pale beige bags contain 2 posh black bags, 4 clear white bags. +posh indigo bags contain 5 plaid white bags. +dull blue bags contain 4 dark violet bags, 2 clear magenta bags, 4 dotted crimson bags. +mirrored white bags contain 5 faded yellow bags. +bright brown bags contain 3 pale gray bags. +light gray bags contain 3 clear magenta bags, 5 wavy brown bags, 3 dotted salmon bags. +muted orange bags contain 1 bright magenta bag, 1 bright plum bag. +clear purple bags contain 1 shiny gold bag, 1 dark white bag. +striped coral bags contain 5 pale gray bags, 3 wavy chartreuse bags. +plaid green bags contain no other bags. +plaid maroon bags contain 5 posh brown bags, 3 striped crimson bags, 4 plaid green bags. +light maroon bags contain 3 muted gray bags, 5 dull crimson bags, 2 shiny maroon bags. +pale purple bags contain 2 striped white bags, 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +muted yellow bags contain 5 vibrant purple bags, 1 dark teal bag. +plaid olive bags contain 1 light crimson bag, 1 faded gold bag, 1 vibrant blue bag. +dim beige bags contain 4 muted silver bags, 3 mirrored beige bags, 4 striped violet bags. +striped chartreuse bags contain 3 dull teal bags. +muted salmon bags contain 2 posh salmon bags, 2 posh silver bags. +dim red bags contain 2 drab blue bags, 4 plaid crimson bags, 3 vibrant gold bags. +dull magenta bags contain 5 faded crimson bags, 1 shiny orange bag, 1 dark tan bag. +plaid beige bags contain 1 vibrant turquoise bag. +striped teal bags contain 2 dim chartreuse bags, 4 dark green bags. +dotted plum bags contain 2 light cyan bags. +dotted yellow bags contain 5 posh black bags, 5 dull tan bags, 2 dull violet bags, 5 muted plum bags. +dotted coral bags contain 1 striped tomato bag, 2 light crimson bags, 3 clear violet bags. +dull fuchsia bags contain 3 plaid purple bags, 4 mirrored red bags. +dull yellow bags contain 5 vibrant violet bags, 2 dark olive bags. +dull white bags contain 5 posh olive bags, 5 pale tomato bags, 2 bright teal bags. +pale brown bags contain 3 dim crimson bags, 3 pale indigo bags, 1 dim chartreuse bag, 4 muted teal bags. +shiny violet bags contain 1 muted tomato bag, 2 dull yellow bags, 1 drab teal bag. +drab blue bags contain 3 vibrant gold bags, 4 drab black bags. +posh lavender bags contain 5 shiny plum bags, 3 drab salmon bags, 4 dim brown bags, 4 plaid blue bags. +dull teal bags contain 2 drab turquoise bags, 1 shiny crimson bag, 5 shiny aqua bags. +shiny purple bags contain 3 drab orange bags, 4 dark red bags, 4 vibrant fuchsia bags, 2 light fuchsia bags. +pale salmon bags contain 2 plaid chartreuse bags, 3 striped white bags. +posh silver bags contain 4 clear magenta bags, 5 light magenta bags. +light salmon bags contain 4 vibrant olive bags. +striped turquoise bags contain 1 faded magenta bag, 3 shiny indigo bags, 4 striped lavender bags. +dotted crimson bags contain 2 pale silver bags, 2 striped magenta bags, 1 striped white bag. +dull brown bags contain 5 clear crimson bags, 1 dotted green bag, 4 dull magenta bags, 3 dim tan bags. +plaid cyan bags contain 1 striped orange bag, 2 muted cyan bags. +muted lavender bags contain 5 mirrored fuchsia bags. +dim lime bags contain 1 muted black bag. +light bronze bags contain 1 dull crimson bag, 5 dim chartreuse bags. +dull olive bags contain 2 vibrant coral bags, 3 shiny teal bags, 4 plaid purple bags. +posh yellow bags contain 5 dark lime bags, 3 mirrored plum bags. +bright fuchsia bags contain 1 striped silver bag. +posh maroon bags contain 4 dotted magenta bags, 4 posh yellow bags, 2 drab beige bags. +posh salmon bags contain 2 muted green bags. +mirrored gray bags contain 4 striped silver bags. +dull cyan bags contain 2 bright orange bags, 4 dark plum bags. +light crimson bags contain 3 drab fuchsia bags, 3 bright blue bags, 1 dark purple bag. +light red bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 4 muted green bags, 3 dotted olive bags. +dull indigo bags contain 2 plaid brown bags, 1 wavy white bag, 2 vibrant turquoise bags, 5 drab chartreuse bags. +drab crimson bags contain 2 vibrant salmon bags. +posh red bags contain 3 mirrored violet bags, 1 striped tomato bag, 2 striped olive bags. +drab chartreuse bags contain no other bags. +posh lime bags contain 3 drab violet bags, 1 bright coral bag. +wavy red bags contain 4 striped gray bags, 3 posh salmon bags, 1 dotted violet bag, 3 striped aqua bags. +striped fuchsia bags contain 3 bright crimson bags, 3 dark silver bags, 1 clear magenta bag, 3 drab salmon bags. +striped plum bags contain 2 drab tan bags, 5 pale gold bags, 1 dull white bag, 1 clear coral bag. +mirrored maroon bags contain 1 dark magenta bag, 1 plaid purple bag, 2 light gray bags. +shiny indigo bags contain 2 drab teal bags. +dim silver bags contain 1 striped aqua bag, 3 dull tan bags, 3 striped tan bags, 2 wavy maroon bags. +shiny salmon bags contain 5 faded beige bags. +dull black bags contain 3 vibrant plum bags, 2 plaid chartreuse bags, 1 muted brown bag, 2 clear tomato bags. +clear plum bags contain 3 striped maroon bags, 2 dark white bags. +vibrant green bags contain 5 light orange bags, 5 mirrored magenta bags, 3 bright teal bags, 2 striped brown bags. +drab gray bags contain 1 plaid maroon bag, 2 pale tan bags, 1 plaid white bag. +wavy lime bags contain 2 clear gold bags, 2 bright chartreuse bags, 1 faded crimson bag. +light silver bags contain 4 dim maroon bags, 1 mirrored teal bag. +light brown bags contain 5 muted magenta bags. +dim fuchsia bags contain 5 pale purple bags, 5 wavy orange bags, 5 clear lime bags. +vibrant maroon bags contain 4 light gray bags. +dim purple bags contain 2 muted white bags, 2 shiny aqua bags. +clear olive bags contain 3 bright olive bags. +drab lavender bags contain 4 mirrored crimson bags, 3 bright violet bags, 5 posh gold bags, 2 bright olive bags. +light yellow bags contain 1 posh brown bag, 2 pale violet bags. +plaid crimson bags contain 1 plaid green bag, 3 shiny crimson bags. +pale indigo bags contain 3 clear aqua bags, 2 pale silver bags. +mirrored bronze bags contain 4 muted tomato bags, 4 bright white bags, 1 faded crimson bag. +dim teal bags contain 1 muted salmon bag. +clear violet bags contain 2 dim coral bags, 2 faded beige bags. +dotted silver bags contain 2 posh plum bags, 4 pale chartreuse bags. +pale gold bags contain 2 vibrant gold bags, 1 dotted magenta bag. +posh crimson bags contain 4 dull yellow bags, 3 clear fuchsia bags. +dull orange bags contain 3 dull silver bags, 3 clear violet bags, 4 clear chartreuse bags, 3 faded salmon bags. +striped lime bags contain 5 mirrored plum bags, 4 faded gold bags, 3 wavy white bags, 3 light teal bags. +mirrored tan bags contain 4 dull silver bags, 4 light coral bags, 2 plaid lavender bags. +wavy tomato bags contain 4 clear orange bags, 5 shiny fuchsia bags, 3 light red bags. +dotted teal bags contain 5 dark salmon bags, 1 light indigo bag, 4 pale white bags, 5 clear olive bags. +bright olive bags contain 1 dark tan bag, 4 striped orange bags, 3 bright orange bags. +plaid plum bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag, 1 dotted coral bag. +bright chartreuse bags contain 2 wavy blue bags. diff --git a/day07/summary.txt b/day07/summary.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24f6fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/day07/summary.txt @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +--- Day 7: Handy Haversacks --- +You land at the regional airport in time for your next flight. In fact, it looks like you'll even have time to grab some food: all flights are currently delayed due to issues in luggage processing. + +Due to recent aviation regulations, many rules (your puzzle input) are being enforced about bags and their contents; bags must be color-coded and must contain specific quantities of other color-coded bags. Apparently, nobody responsible for these regulations considered how long they would take to enforce! + +For example, consider the following rules: + +light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags. +dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags. +bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag. +muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags. +shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags. +dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags. +vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags. +faded blue bags contain no other bags. +dotted black bags contain no other bags. +These rules specify the required contents for 9 bag types. In this example, every faded blue bag is empty, every vibrant plum bag contains 11 bags (5 faded blue and 6 dotted black), and so on. + +You have a shiny gold bag. If you wanted to carry it in at least one other bag, how many different bag colors would be valid for the outermost bag? (In other words: how many colors can, eventually, contain at least one shiny gold bag?) + +In the above rules, the following options would be available to you: + +A bright white bag, which can hold your shiny gold bag directly. +A muted yellow bag, which can hold your shiny gold bag directly, plus some other bags. +A dark orange bag, which can hold bright white and muted yellow bags, either of which could then hold your shiny gold bag. +A light red bag, which can hold bright white and muted yellow bags, either of which could then hold your shiny gold bag. +So, in this example, the number of bag colors that can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag is 4. + +How many bag colors can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag? (The list of rules is quite long; make sure you get all of it.) + +Your puzzle answer was 197. + +--- Part Two --- +It's getting pretty expensive to fly these days - not because of ticket prices, but because of the ridiculous number of bags you need to buy! + +Consider again your shiny gold bag and the rules from the above example: + +faded blue bags contain 0 other bags. +dotted black bags contain 0 other bags. +vibrant plum bags contain 11 other bags: 5 faded blue bags and 6 dotted black bags. +dark olive bags contain 7 other bags: 3 faded blue bags and 4 dotted black bags. +So, a single shiny gold bag must contain 1 dark olive bag (and the 7 bags within it) plus 2 vibrant plum bags (and the 11 bags within each of those): 1 + 1*7 + 2 + 2*11 = 32 bags! + +Of course, the actual rules have a small chance of going several levels deeper than this example; be sure to count all of the bags, even if the nesting becomes topologically impractical! + +Here's another example: + +shiny gold bags contain 2 dark red bags. +dark red bags contain 2 dark orange bags. +dark orange bags contain 2 dark yellow bags. +dark yellow bags contain 2 dark green bags. +dark green bags contain 2 dark blue bags. +dark blue bags contain 2 dark violet bags. +dark violet bags contain no other bags. +In this example, a single shiny gold bag must contain 126 other bags. + +How many individual bags are required inside your single shiny gold bag? + +Your puzzle answer was 85324. + +Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: ** + +At this point, you should return to your Advent calendar and try another puzzle. + +If you still want to see it, you can get your puzzle input. + +You can also [Share] this puzzle.